
Downtown Dental Studio

General Dentists & Cosmetic Dentists located in Financial District, New York, NY

With innovative veneers, you can leave the dental office unveiling your new show-stopping, stunning smile. At Downtown Dental Studio in the Financial District of New York, the gifted dentists provide veneers as a treatment for misshapen, cracked, or stained teeth, and various other dental problems. Don’t let damaged teeth diminish your confidence and self-esteem. Smile and laugh with confidence with custom long-lasting and natural-looking veneers. Call Downtown Dental Studio or schedule online today.

Veneers Q & A

What are veneers?

Veneers are a dental treatment involving wafer-thin porcelain shells that are specially designed to recreate the look and feel of your natural teeth. Your dentist custom-fits and carefully bonds each veneer to your individual teeth.

Veneers are typically derived from porcelain or composite resin. Porcelain is the most popular choice because it’s a stain-resistant material that tends to be an aesthetically close match to your natural enamel.

Veneers can restore weak and frail teeth and cover up imperfections, such as gaps, cracks, stains, or misshapen teeth. During your personal consultation, your dentist explains the process in detail and helps you decide if veneers are right for you.

How do I get veneers?

The first step is to discuss your goals and determine the best type of veneers to suit your individual needs. Your dentist either prepares your teeth for your new veneers right then and there, or you might need to return to the dental office.

Your dentist removes a tiny amount of surface enamel to shape your existing teeth and prepare them for your new veneers.

Your dentist takes a mold of your teeth before sending them to a special dental lab that produces your customized veneers. About a week or two later when your veneers are ready, you return to the office where your dentist custom-fits your veneers to each tooth.

The final step involves the cleaning and etching of the surface of your teeth to prepare them for the bonding process. Your dentist then applies a light source and a special cement to help the porcelain and adhesive bond together.

What are the advantages of veneers?

Downtown Dental Studio provides veneers for a multitude of advantages, such as:

  • No invasive dental work
  • Stain-resistant
  • Can effectively lighten darker teeth
  • More cost-effective than other dental treatments like crowns
  • Well-tolerated by your gums
  • Can strengthen and protect your teeth

Veneers are a natural-looking, long-lasting, and highly successful way to correct cracked, crooked, or misshapen teeth. They can protect your tooth’s surface from damage and give you a truly beautiful bright, white, and properly aligned smile.

If veneers sound like the solution for you, call Downtown Dental Studio or use the online scheduler.

Our Location

Hours of Operation


10:00 am - 5:00 pm


9:00 am - 7:00 pm


9:00 am - 7:00 pm


10:00 am - 8:00 pm


9:00 am - 5:00 pm





10:00 am - 5:00 pm
9:00 am - 7:00 pm
9:00 am - 7:00 pm
10:00 am - 8:00 pm
9:00 am - 5:00 pm